Write Code for Humans, Not Computers

When you’re writing code, you’re writing it primarily for other people and only secondarily for the computer. For any given problem, there’s generally a myriad of solutions that produce the desired output, with varying degrees of computational efficiency, but, with few exceptions, the optimal choice is the one that’s clean, clear, and easy for human beings to reason about.

Learning to Code? Don’t Major in the Minors.

You’ve been thinking about coding for a while and, these days, it seems like everyone is learning how to do it. You carve out some time on a Saturday afternoon, sit down at your computer, and decide that today is your day: you’re going to embark on a journey to become a programmer. Now, you stare blankly at the screen.

Bloomberg’s War on Millennials

Today, Bloomberg continued riding on the anti-millennial bandwagon and published a new post entitled “A Quarter of Millennials Who Live at Home Don’t Work – Or Study.” For the past several years, we’ve seen a growing trend of media outlets opting for sensationalized headlines that drive clicks, shares, and comments, rather than ones that seek to genuinely inform their audience. I decided to investigate whether it is, in fact, true that 1/4th of millennials who live at home don’t work or study – here’s what I learned.

A Catalog of Information on GMOs, Monsanto, and Related Topics

There seems to be a prevalent myth that, when it comes to GMOs, Monsanto, and related topics, there is an “information gap,” that is, that these issues simply haven’t been studied enough, or that they haven’t been studied in any truly comprehensive or long-term manner. The Internet has become a sort of “Wild West” when it comes to information: Anyone can publish anything they like. Sensational headlines trend. Dense scientific papers don’t. Conflicts of interest can be hard to identify. Charlatans, snake oil peddlers, quacks, and people who don’t realize that anecdotes don’t qualify as evidence, have free reign to produce articles that prey upon some of your deepest fears and appeal to the less-than-logical elements of the human brain, leading you to make potentially fatal decisions.

How to Future-Proof Yourself

No industry is immune to advances in technology – and far too many people learn this the hard way. Whether you’re looking to enhance your job security, climb the corporate ladder, or even make yourself a more competitive applicant in the hiring process, taking the time to future-proof yourself can have significant returns now and in the future.

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